Updates Galore

My mother looked at my website a while ago and told me how bare it looked. And she was right. But there’s lots going on over  there now, including new quotes, links to excerpts and an upcomming contest announcement. Go on over and check it out.


Filed under It's A Writing Life

3 responses to “Updates Galore

  1. Congrats again! Isn’t it great to have updates of that kind?

    You got a countdown going yet?

  2. By the way, I notice on your website you say you’ll have a ‘signed advance copy’ … how do you sign an ebook?

    And Oooh! I clicked through to your ‘books’ page and saw you’ve got your second book up there too! Congrats on its sale!

  3. Thanks, Leah. Yes, I sold another to Samhain. Yay!

    And the signed ARC will be a print ARC. Honestly, I have no idea how to do an e-book format. LOL Though I suppose I could send something out in rtf. Who knows?

    Thanks for looking through the site! Much nicer now than it was three months ago.